Originally from Tokyo, Japan, I am a Gyrotonic® trainer (a sports and therapeutic discipline).
This method opened my eyes to the human body and its state of equilibrium.
My interest in osteopathy developed as a result of my personal experience with chronic pain. I became aware of the effectiveness of this method then I decided to pursue my studies in osteopathy.
I acquired a multi-skilled formation during my 5-year diploma program at the CSO (Conservatoire supérieur d’Ostéopathie de Paris) through the study of various osteopathic approaches and methods, techniques that I employ in my practice, including : functional, structural, visceral, craniosacral, fascial therapies…
By combining these diverse methods, I propose a personalized therapy for each patient.
After working as an osteopath in Paris, I am happy to welcome you to my Tokyo office today. I give treatments to a wide variety of nationalities.
I am also a member of the SFDO (Syndicat Français des Osteopathes).
I graduated with a diploma in osteopathy from the CSO (Conservatoire Supérieur d’Ostéopathie de Paris.) This school is accredited by the French Health Ministry and registered in the RNCP (the official state registry for professional certifications) for Niveau 1 (Master).
I am also certified by the European School of Osteopathy in Maidstone, England.
During my 5-year curriculum, I studied several specialized courses:
pediatric osteopathy, by Michèle Barrot, DO pediatric examination, by Michèle Barrot, DO pediatric osteopathy, by Marc Deora, DO perinatal osteopathy, by Renzo Molinari, DO
I also worked to give various treatments:
osteopath responsible for athletes at major sporting events osteopath responsible for patients in the geriatric department at the Max Forestier Hospital, Nanterre, France; and in the oncology department at Bichât Hospital, Paris, France